Assisting Accredited Investors Across the Globe

(913) 283-7804

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST

Investment Offerings

Generate Profit. Make Change.

8787 Renner Blvd, Suite 130
Lenexa KS, 66219

Aging Isn't Easy.

This can be especially true when our loved one’s begin requiring assistance - physical or mental. Illnesses such as Dementia & Alzheimer’s impact hundreds of millions of families across the globe. Over 7 million individual Americans were living with Alzheimer’s in 2024. Unfortunately, many families do not have the medical expertise, facilities, or time that is necessary to appropriately care for their loved one.

That's Where We Come In!

At Senior Living Fund, we invest in the development, management, and operations of high quality senior housing communities throughout the U.S. Our range of investment communities provide assistance to aging Americans so they can live their lives to the fullest. Meanwhile, providing compelling returns to our investor community.

Our Range of Investment Funds Can Suit Your Investment Goals:

Profit Participation

Monthly Fixed Income

Passive Gains & Losses

Portfolio Diversification

Priority Positioning

Support of Social Cause

Senior Housing + Healthcare. Feel Good About Where You Invest!

Why Senior Housing?

Demand to Continue for Decades

As the “Baby Boomer” generation reaches their golden years, a significant opportunity exists to invest in the healthcare sector that supports them.

Rising Demand

Center for Senior Housing & Care found that regardless of penetration rates (ranging from 13% conservatively or 23% on the higher level), demand for new senior housing inventory will continue to grow exponentially through 2060.

How to Participate.

Senior Living Fund has five (5) offerings currently open for investment:

SLF Value-Add Fund 1 - (SLF VAF 1)

SLF Value-Add Fund 2 - (SLF VAF 2)

F4 Fixed Note Offering

F4 Fixed Note Offering

F4 Fixed Note Offering

Interested in investing? Contact our Investor Relations Team today! | 913.283.7804

Offering Size:





Accredited Investors


~4.5-5 Years

SLF Value-Add Fund 1 seeks investor capital to fund the acquisition, operations, and subsequent sale of senior housing communities across the U.S. identified as under-performing, financially distressed, and/or operationally deficient. Once acquired, SLF will leverage in-house experience as well as our extensive network of industry partners with proven development and operational capabilities to increase sales values of these communities.
• Anticipating to invest in 6-10 “value add” senior living projects throughout the United States.

• Projects diversified by location, care type, community size, operator, and more.

• New-development opportunities will be considered on a risk-adjusted basis.

SLF Value-Add 1 Offers Investors:

Profit Participation

Passive Gains & Losses

Portfolio Diversification

Support of Social Cause

Designed for Investors Seeking Our Highest Potential Return Ranges

SLF Value-Add Fund 1 offers multiple levels of participation for accredited investors. With each increasing level of investment participation, investors will accrue a higher annualized preferred return rate, as well as receive reduced unit pricing. Overall, resulting in a higher estimated IRR per increasing investment class, as outlined in the below table:

Investment Level:

Annualized Accrual Rate:

Estimated Unit Price:

Units per $1,000 Invested:

Estimated Class IRR:


Estimated Fund IRR:

12.00% - 21.00%

(*) All Investors will accrue an annualized Preferred Return on their respective unreturned Capital Contribution from the date said capital is accepted by the Manager of the Fund until the entire Capital Contribution has been returned in full. For a detailed description and explanation of the preferences, see the Private Placement Memorandum of the Offering. (*) Estimated IRR’s have been rounded to the nearest whole percent, are based on projections, and not guaranteed. Investor IRR range differs per investment level. For additional information, see the Private Placement Memorandum of the Offering.

Please Contact Us For More SLF Value-Add 1 Offering Information

Offering Size:





Accredited Investors


~4.5-5 Years

Similar to Value-Add Fund 1; SLF Value-Add Fund 2 will fund the acquisition, operations, and subsequent sale of senior housing communities across the U.S. that are identified as under-performing, financially distressed, and/or operationally deficient. Once acquired, SLF will leverage in-house experience as well as our extensive network of industry partners with proven development and operational capabilities to increase sales values of these communities. The key differentiator for SLF Value-Add Fund 2 is that participating investors receive monthly payments along with sharing in the back-end profits of the fund.
• Anticipating to invest in 6-10 “value add” senior living projects throughout the United States.

• Projects diversified by location, care type, community size, operator, and more.

• New-development opportunities will be considered on a risk-adjusted basis.

SLF Value-Add 2 Offers Investors:

Profit Participation

Portfolio Diversification

Monthly Income

Passive Gains & Losses

For Investors Seeking Monthly Income + Backend Participation

SLF Value-Add Fund 2 offers multiple levels of participation for accredited investors. With each increasing level of investment, investors will earn higher preferred monthly payment amounts, as well as receive reduced unit pricing. Overall, this results in a higher estimated IRR per increasing investment level, as outlined in the below table:

Investment Level:

Monthly Payment Rate:

Estimated Unit Price:

Units per $1,000 Invested:

Estimated Class IRR:


Estimated Fund IRR:

10.50% - 20.00%

(1) SLF VAF 2 investors will receive preferred monthly investor payments, payable monthly, for 36 months from the time of their investment. Please see the Private Placement Memorandum of the Offering for additional information. (2) Estimated IRR’s have been rounded to the nearest whole percent, are based on projections, and not guaranteed. Investor IRR range differs per investment level. For additional information, see the Private Placement Memorandum of the Offering.

Please Contact Us For More Value-Add 2 Offering Information

Monthly Payments:





Accredited Investors


~3 Years

SLF’s Fixed Note Offerings provide investors a diversified senior housing investment with a short investment term, lower risk, and fixed monthly income. These three offerings were designed to provide SLF 4, SLF 5, and SLF 6 additional capital needed to support their invested senior housing assets.
• Investors will enjoy a 15% projected annualized interest rate. 8% of this annualized interest rate is payable monthly, for 3-years. 7% of this annualized interest rate will be accrued until payout.

• Fixed Rate Notes investors have strong distribution priority positioning. Investors hold priority over all equity or “Membership Interests” in the Fund and will be paid prior to any Distributions to the Members of the Fund.

Our Fixed Note Offerings Provide:

Profit Participation

Portfolio Diversification

Monthly Income

Priority Positioning

For Investors Seeking Monthly Income + Backend Participation + Shorter Term

SLF’s Fixed Note Offerings are ideal for those seeking reliable monthly income and a higher overall projected rate of return. Below is an example scenario, used for illustrative purposes:

Investment Minimum:

Annualized Accrual Rate:

Monthly Payment Rate:

Projected Overall IRR:

(1) All Investors will receive an annualized 8.0% rate on their respective unreturned Capital Contribution from the date said capital is accepted by the Manager of the Fund until the entire Capital Contribution has been returned in full. Said payments will be made on a monthly basis. (2) All Investors will accrue an annualized 7.0% rate on their respective unreturned Capital Contribution from the date said capital is accepted by the Manager of the Fund until the entire Capital Contribution has been returned in full. Said accrued payments will be paid at the time the entire Capital Contribution is returned.

Please Contact Us For More Fixed Note Offering Information

We are at an important juncture in senior care investment. We stand in the midst of the largest demographic shift in history, and we as an investment community have the ability to impact how seniors throughout the country will experience the final chapter of their lives. We must remember that capital always has a voice—and we have a unique opportunity to use that voice for the good.

-Dan Brewer, SLF Chief Fund Manager

Information on this document is not an offer or a solicitation to sell or purchase securities. Statements, descriptions, and data on these pages are for informational purposes only and relate to an investment opportunity which may be offered in the future. No offer or solicitation will be made until the necessary final documentation and agreements have been delivered to you. Forward Looking Statements. The Fund is including the following cautionary statement in this informational summary to make applicable and take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, the Fund. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, projections, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements which are other than statements of historical facts. All such subsequent forward-looking statements, whether written or oral and whether made by or on behalf of the Fund, are also expressly qualified by these cautionary statements. Certain statements contained herein, including, without limitation, those that are identified by the use of the words “anticipates,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “intends,” “plans,” “predicts,” “projects,” “believes,” “seeks,” “targeted,” “will,” “may” and similar expressions, are “forward-looking statements” as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. The Fund’s expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith and are believed by the Fund to have a reasonable basis, but there can be no assurance that management’s expectations, beliefs or projections will result or be achieved or accomplished.